Prohlášení o ochraně osobních údajů: Vaše soukromí je pro nás velmi důležité. Naše společnost slibuje, že vaše osobní údaje nezveřejní žádné zhoršení bez vašich explicitních povolení.
Coconut shells are used for many purposes and are used directly in the production of coconut shell buttons by many production button manufacturers. Coconut shells are often used directly as fuel in some coconut production areas in Southeast Asia. They have high calorific value, are convenient and practical. The industrial production of coconut shells other than fuel is currently used to produce coconut shell charcoal, activated charcoal and coconut shell powder. At the same time, in the process of charcoal carbonization from coconut shells, wood vinegar, tar and flammable gases can also be obtained. A variety of coir products. In addition, coconut shells can be used to produce coconut carvings, coconut shell buttons and other crafts.
Coconut shells and coconut shell char are high in calories and can be used directly as fuel. This has attracted much attention in the general shortage of energy today. Researchers in the Philippines compared the burning values of cimicus shells, coconut shell charcoal, and several other widely used Filipino woods and found that coconut shells burned comparable to Phi|ipPine hard-woods, especially coconuts. Shell charcoal, better combustion performance. In the expensive gasoline, Germany, France, Japan and other countries, charcoal is widely used to drive military vehicles. In Malaysia, trucks have used gas generators that use coconut shell coal as fuel instead of gasoline, and the performance of this gas generator continues to improve and improve so that it can be used not only for motor vehicles but also for stationary engines. Due to fuel shortages, some places in the Philippines use coconut shells and coconut shell charcoal instead of liquid petroleum gas for home cooking. The conversion of coconut shell charcoal into liquid material is expected. Many scholars have studied this and have established methods for the hydrogenation or methanolification of hydrocarbons. In order to further utilize this type of fuel, research and development must be simpler. Energy generation method.
For more information, please update: China Button Industry Network
Mr. cnntyaou
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Mr. cnntyaou
August 16, 2022
Prohlášení o ochraně osobních údajů: Vaše soukromí je pro nás velmi důležité. Naše společnost slibuje, že vaše osobní údaje nezveřejní žádné zhoršení bez vašich explicitních povolení.
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Prohlášení o ochraně osobních údajů: Vaše soukromí je pro nás velmi důležité. Naše společnost slibuje, že vaše osobní údaje nezveřejní žádné zhoršení bez vašich explicitních povolení.